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Aubrey de Grey: Preventing Death from Age-Related Causes

Aubrey de Grey Wikipedia 2023 08 03 17 06 33

In this article, readers will learn about Aubrey de Grey, an English author and biomedical gerontologist, who has unique views on preventing death from age-related causes. De Grey has not only made significant contributions to the study of geometric graph theory, but he is also the co-founder of the SENS Research Foundation, focusing on regenerative medicine solutions for aging.

Despite facing sexual harassment allegations and being fired from his previous position, De Grey has started a new foundation called the Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation. He has also shared his personal views on the future of anti-aging medicine, including concepts like Methuselarity and longevity escape velocity. Additionally, De Grey is a cryonicist and has signed up with Alcor, and he supports the idea of a universal basic income in a future where automation will take over most jobs.

Aubrey de Grey: Preventing Death from Age-Related Causes

Aubrey de Grey is an English author and biomedical gerontologist. He is known for his view that medical technology can prevent death from age-related causes. De Grey has made contributions to the study of the Hadwiger-Nelson problem in geometric graph theory. He was the co-founder of the SENS Research Foundation, which focuses on regenerative medicine solutions for aging, and has now started a new foundation called Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation.

De Grey has made personal views on the future of anti-aging medicine, including the concept of Methuselarity and longevity escape velocity. He is a cryonicist and has signed up with Alcor. De Grey believes that automation will take over most jobs in the future and supports the idea of a universal basic income.


Early life and education

Aubrey de Grey was born in England. He developed an interest in biology at a young age and pursued a degree in computer science from the University of Cambridge. After completing his undergraduate studies, de Grey shifted his focus to the field of gerontology, the study of aging. He went on to earn a Ph.D. in biology from the University of London.

Career beginnings

De Grey’s career in aging research began with a focus on the development and application of algorithms. He believed that by understanding the intricate processes underlying aging, it would be possible to develop interventions to slow down or even reverse the aging process.

Founding the SENS Research Foundation

In 2009, de Grey co-founded the SENS Research Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing regenerative medicine solutions for aging. The foundation focuses on the repair and rejuvenation of the damage that accumulates in the body over time, which is the root cause of age-related diseases.

Controversies and new foundation

Despite his contributions to the field, de Grey has faced controversies throughout his career. In recent years, he has been accused of sexual harassment and was ultimately dismissed from his position as Chief Science Officer of the SENS Research Foundation. Following his departure, de Grey established the Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation, which aims to further advance research in aging and longevity.

Views on Aging and Longevity

Medical technology and age-related causes of death

De Grey firmly believes that medical technology has the potential to prevent death from age-related causes. He argues that by targeting the underlying damage that occurs in the body with aging, it is possible to develop interventions that can significantly extend human lifespan and healthspan.

Contribution to regenerative medicine

One of de Grey’s significant contributions to the field of aging research is his focus on regenerative medicine. He believes that by repairing and rejuvenating the damaged cells and tissues in the body, it is possible to reverse the aging process and potentially cure age-related diseases.

Concept of Methuselarity

De Grey has introduced the concept of Methuselarity, a term he coined to describe the point in the future when the rate of progress in anti-aging medicine surpasses the aging process itself. He argues that once this point is reached, individuals will have the opportunity to live indefinitely, as they can continuously receive treatments to reverse the effects of aging.

Longevity escape velocity

Another concept introduced by de Grey is longevity escape velocity. This concept refers to the situation where advancements in anti-aging medicine are able to extend human lifespan faster than the aging process is progressing. According to de Grey, achieving longevity escape velocity would allow individuals to stay one step ahead of age-related diseases and maintain optimal health as they age.

Aubrey de Grey: Preventing Death from Age-Related Causes

Contributions to Science

Study of the Hadwiger-Nelson problem

Beyond his work in the field of aging research, de Grey has made contributions to the study of the Hadwiger-Nelson problem in geometric graph theory. This problem relates to coloring the points in Euclidean space so that no two points of the same color are a unit distance apart. De Grey’s contributions to this problem have helped advance our understanding of graph theory.

Role in geometric graph theory

De Grey’s interest in graph theory extends beyond the Hadwiger-Nelson problem. He has also explored other areas of geometric graph theory, including the study of finding the shortest paths between points in a graph. His work in this field has provided valuable insights into the computational challenges associated with graph theory.

Personal Beliefs and Interests

Cryonics and association with Alcor

De Grey is a vocal proponent of cryonics, the preservation of the human body or brain at very low temperatures with the hope of revival in the future. He has gone a step further by signing up with Alcor, a cryonics organization, to have his own body preserved after death. De Grey believes that cryonics offers the potential for future technologies to revive and rejuvenate individuals.

Support for universal basic income

De Grey is a strong advocate for the idea of a universal basic income. He believes that automation and technological advancements will inevitably lead to job displacement for a significant portion of the global workforce. In his view, a universal basic income would provide a safety net for individuals and ensure everyone has access to basic necessities and resources.

Automation and the future of work

De Grey predicts a future where automation will take over the majority of jobs. He sees this as an opportunity for humankind to shift its focus from traditional work towards pursuing personal interests and contributing to society in different ways. However, he acknowledges the need for careful preparation and policies to ensure a smooth transition into an automated workforce.

Aubrey de Grey: Preventing Death from Age-Related Causes


Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation

Mission and goals

Following his departure from the SENS Research Foundation, de Grey founded the Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation. The foundation aims to advance research and development in aging and longevity by supporting innovative projects and initiatives. It seeks to accelerate progress in anti-aging medicine and ultimately achieve the goal of extending human lifespan.

Initiatives and projects

The Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation supports a range of initiatives and projects focused on regenerative medicine, rejuvenation biotechnology, and aging research. It provides funding and resources to researchers and organizations working towards finding effective interventions to combat age-related diseases and extend healthy human lifespan.

Aubrey de Grey: Preventing Death from Age-Related Causes


Aubrey de Grey has made significant contributions to the field of aging and longevity research. Despite some controversies, he remains an influential figure in the scientific community. His work on regenerative medicine and his belief in the potential of medical technology to prevent death from age-related causes have opened up new avenues of research and sparked important discussions in the field. His dedication to advancing the understanding of aging and his innovative ideas continue to have an impact on the quest for longer, healthier lives. See also: Top 10 Intermittent Fasting Benefits

By Anti-Aging Advice

My wife and I live in Auckland, New Zealand. As is often the case, my wife has been "encouraging" me to improve my food & lifestyle choices for a number of years. Now that I am approaching 60 years old I am finally starting to listen, and (of course) it is paying off. In the last 2 years my BMI has gone from 29.5, down to 22. My fitness & general health have improved dramatically, and people that haven't seen me for awhile are quite shocked, and think I look 10 years younger. And all this with little or no effort, just smarter lifestyle and food choice choices. I now understand that food choices alone do make a huge difference to general health and wellbeing, fighting disease, and aiding in all areas including mental health and longevity. My wife knew this already (-: Through this this website I hope to spread the word and help others. With lifestyle adjustments, and the right supplements, we can all live much better, happier, and longer lives. So...what's holding you back? Good luck with your own journey!! Wayne & Maggie.